Friday, June 27, 2014

Delivery Day

All through the pregnancy I kept waiting to feel "Braxton Hicks" or practice contractions. Towards the end I'd feel little pains here and there, but nothing consistent or nothing that felt 'right' (how the hell can you determine what a contraction feels like if you've never had one?? You can't. Simple as that!) Let me tell you..the "pains" I was feeling did not feel ANYTHING like the actual contractions felt like.

So I was bound and determined to make it to the end of the school year. Not for any other reason than I didn't want to deal with someone else dealing with all of the end of the year shenanigans (report cards, fly up sheets, field trips, MAPS party celebrations, room clean up, check out, etc etc etc) of course I wanted to park my whale of a self on the couch and watch HGTV all day, but it seriously would have been more work to be gone. If my kids ended up watching Magic School Bus episodes occasionally and having 4 recesses a day for the last 2 least I didn't have to make gigantic sub plans and hope my kids weren't misbehaving for the sub..Not to mention, Michael and I were so excited (what expecting parents aren't??) That I knew if I stayed home, I'd literally drive myself crazy dying for the little one to come.

So, Tuesday June 4th our friends Jake and Kayla came over (which they do pretty much every night..we LOVE living close to them!) ---let me interject here. I almost erased the parenthesis because I feel like I use them too much. #sorrynotsorry

Anyways, Michael and Jake went out in the front yard to hit golf balls with baseball bats (yes we live in a small town with nothing else to do...PS you like those parentheses  ehh??) ANYWAYS. Kayla and I stayed inside chatting as usual...I may or may not have been eating my 3rd pineapple of the week... but that's neither here nor there. We decided we would meander outside to try our luck with the golf ball/baseball bat shenanigans. Very fun! I even had Michael take a picture of me because it was so ridiculous. But fun. and it kept my mind off the fact that BABY STILL WASN'T HERE :(

Ok this is getting long so i'm gonna cut to the chase. Went to sleep that night, woke up around 4 with some sharp pains, and I thought I kind of turned the wrong way and irritated my stomach muscles. Went back to sleep. Woke up again to a similiar pain. Same thing about 3 more times. I finally woke Michael up and told him I was pretty sure I was having contractions!! He got SO mad when I told him I was still going to work. First and foremost, I hadn't finished completely my kiddos report cards. Secondly, we were having a field trip. Thirdly...they were 20 minutes apart. They hadn't progressed. Finally...these were FINALLY the Braxton Hicks I hadn't felt all along, right?? I was only 38 weeks 4 days. All my first time mom friends went late. Heck, I had TWO friends on facebook that went 10+ days over. I had plenty of time. I'd go to school, take my kids on the field trip, send them home, finish report cards after school...and if I was still having contractions, maybe, just MAYBE, we would head down to Wenatchee to check it out.

We are heading down to Wenatchee to send Michael's little  bro, Shawn back to Seattle on a plane. I will finish the labor story later tonight or tomorrow. If you're still reading this, consider yourself a smarty pants who may or may not have too much time on their hands and who may or may not be sick of the words "May or may Not" AND/OR parentheses by the time you're done with me. See you soon!

-Charlies Mama

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